Friday, May 29, 2009

The Appointed Time...

Dear Friends-
I hope you will allow me to share a Word with you from Rev. Joel Osteen.
Today's Word is about waiting until the appointed time (an issue that I've been struggling with in terms of my job search).
Friends, we all struggle with something (relationships, school, finances, etc.) but today's message is a reminder that we need to relax and REALLY TRUST that God's going to deliver on His promise to us. God is not our employee and the appointed time won't necessarily happen when we want it.

His appointed time may not occur before we lose your homes; it may not even occur until we do some self-reflection and work on our issues, but His appointed time ALWAYS occurs after we stop and trust that it will come.

And when it happens, it is always on time!

Have a blessed weekend!

Today’s Verse: “For the vision is yet for an appointed time…it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day” (Habakkuk 2:3, AMP).

Today’s Word:

God is looking for people who have a made-up mind; people who will trust His timing. You may not see His promises happen overnight, but they will happen. In the Bible, Abraham waited 20 years to have a son and see his promise come to pass. Moses waited 40 years to fulfill his purpose and lead the children of Israel out of captivity.
You might say, “Joel, I’ve been waiting for a year, and I don’t see anything happening.” No, something is happening. Right now, God is working behind the scenes in your life. He is arranging the right people, the right breaks, and the right opportunities. Today’s scripture tells us that at the appointed time, the promise will come to pass, and it will not be one second late! When is the appointed time? It’s when God knows the timing is best for you. When you understand and accept this principle, it takes all the pressure off. It’s a very freeing way to live knowing that as long as we stay in faith, God will release His favor, His increase, His restoration, and His healing at exactly the right time in our lives!

Prayer for Today: Father in heaven, thank You for working behind the scenes in my life. I trust that the appointed time for me is on its way. I am content in You, knowing that You have a good plan for my future. I bless you today and always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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