Thursday, July 9, 2009

How to love the "Unlovely"

Dear Friends-
I am sending this message because I sense that some of us are feeling tortured and tested by people in our lives that we can't avoid. I hope that you receive this message as a word of encouragement because there is a larger lesson to be learned.
No matter how unloveable this person is, respond in love and stay in
peace. Now matter how you hard you work to stay sane, relief from this person seems to
allude you. Every time you turn around this person seems to be
looking for new ways to get on your nerves. All of this is happening for
a reason. The person or situation you seek to escape is you- and your
preception and attitude determines your response.

Here's the answer you've prayed for...Just as determined as you are to
achieve success and abundance, you should be equally determined to
achieve joy. The elements of joy are peace and love- and even in the
face of "unlovely" people, stay determined to stay joyful.

Now, I hear you saying to yourself, "it's always something"- and
that's true. But if you know that, then you know how silly it is to
allow yourself to get caught up in responding to those people or those

Plant your feet firmly and stand knowing that your sense of joy will
be under attack. Maintain a mindset of peace, and a loving response,
and you'll find yourself standing in the midst of the storm- in joy.

Take care friends!


You Can Love the Unlovely

Today's Scripture

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

A Word from Joel and Victoria

God says you need to love even those people who are difficult or
seemingly impossible to love. The mark of true believers is the love
they have for each other and for those who are not part of God's
family. Did you know there usually is a reason that some people are
very difficult to love? More than likely, part of the problem is that
they don't have enough love, which means they need your love the most
of all! You have your own personality, and it probably meshes better
with certain other personalities. But even with the differences
between people, you can still love others with the love God has shown
to you. You will be amazed how much things will change if you just
take that first step of faith and love the unlovely people around you.
They are desperate for love and friendship, and you might make all the

A Prayer for Today

God, give me Your unconditional love for the hard-to-love people in my
life. I want to show others what Your love is all about so they will
be drawn to Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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