Sunday, June 21, 2009

For Fathers' Day...

Dear Friends-
A dad's responsibility is to provide security and stability for his family. If the bills are paid, that's great. But being a dad means so much more.
Growing up, my dad was a highly intuitive, "on point" father; a man of modest means and extraordinary sensitivity to the needs of his girls; a man who was engaged and affectionate with his children. As a result, I married someone just like him. Because I was so blessed, I feel I can give a little advice about what made our relationship so special.

  • When your children speak to you, stop and look them in the eyes. Make them feel as if that conversation is the most important thing you've ever heard.
  • Allow your boys to cry when they're in pain.
  • Push your daughters as hard as you would push your sons to accomplish their goals (don't worry, we can take it).
  • Tell your children the truth and be their friends when they need it.
  • Show your children a little tenderness, no matter how silly their problems seem to be.
  • Establish your own relationships with them, apart from their mothers.
  • Make dates and connect with your children individually.
And if you don't live with your children, the advice is the same. My father and I have always lived thousands of miles apart and although I missed him physically, my access to him was instant. His attention was fully on me.
For those of us who are already grown up, or our fathers are in heaven, connect with the "fathers" in your lives today. Think of one thing you can do today to show them your appreciation. Show love to our elderly parents (who sometimes drive us crazy); our fathers who have difficulty expressing their feelings; our ex-husbands and babies' dads; and our single moms who play both parents and get very little appreciation.

Love them, pray for them, and show them mercy, just as our Heavenly Father has done for us.

Have a blessed weekend and a wonderful Fathers' Day.

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