Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Think before you do!

Dear Friends-
I hope this email finds you well. I'm just getting my head above water with the new fall schedule and know you've been busy too.

Today's message is a replay of a previous message that is very appropriate for this time of year.
Before you send that next email joke, surf the web, or watch
television, stop and think. Is this email critical? Is this activity
that serious? Or could I be doing something to accomplish my goals?
Be thoughtful about the time you spend and who you spend it with.

If you are too busy to spend time in joyful activity or activity that brings glory to God, what's the point? Be prayerful and purposeful in everything you do. Ask God to your steps and keep it moving!

Stay blessed people!

Too Busy for Joy?

Today's Scripture

"...then God blessed them, and said to them, 'be fruitful and
multiply; fill the earth and subdue it...'" (Genesis 1:28)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Are you missing out on the joys of life because you are too busy? Are
you over-committed? God never called you to be busy–He called you to
be fruitful. Don't get activity mixed up with productivity. Just
because you are on the go, and always doing things–even godly
things–doesn't necessarily mean that you're fulfilling God's best plan
for your life.

Let me encourage you to prayerfully take inventory of the different
activities in your life. Ask the Lord to show you which areas need to
be pruned, and which areas need more focus. Ask Him to show which
relationships to move away from, and which relationships to cultivate
in your life. Stop allowing the unfruitful areas of your life to
consume all of your time, focus, and energy. As you make adjustments
to bring balance to your schedule, invest in the activities and
relationships that bring you joy and peace. As you do, you will
experience God's abundant blessing in every area of life!

A Prayer for Today

God, order my steps today. Help me to prioritize and to focus on those
things that honor You and fulfill Your plan for my life. There may be
relationships, commitments, and activities that I have to let go
of—give me the courage to do so. I want to slow down, restore balance
and experience more joy in my life! In Jesus' name – Amen.

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