Monday, January 26, 2009

Truth is all that matters

Dear Friends-
As we reflect on our roles as Christians, with a new president, and a worldwide movement for change, we must pledge to do a few things right now.

As my pastor shared with yesterday, God is calling on His people to be the light in a world of darkness but before we can represent him, we must purify ourselves first by dealing with our issues. We all sin and fall short at times but some of us have particular struggles that cause us to focus on self, rather than using our gifts and talents to serve God. Let's make an active pledge to resist the power of sin by saying no. Matthew 6:24 says “No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. "

Second, we have so many "gray areas" in our lives that (although well intended) we try to cover things up because the truth is uncomfortable and we don't want to hurt others. Dear Friends, in "such a time as this", we must firmly recommit ourselves to the concept of truth or we risk becoming blind to the darkness we seek to illuminate. For every little white lie, or every time we look the other way, we become desensitized to the things that we know are wrong. Sure, we need to be loving and Christlike in our approaches but we also need to be honest and call things out no matter how light "the shade of gray".

Friends, let's stand together and support each other during this time of preparation. We have a unique opportunity to promote and celebrate Christ to the world. Now more than ever, we need to be the representatives that people need to see.

Stay blessed and live in truth,

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